08.23.2012 | 11:22
Surfers and bodyboarders will enjoy the 5th Tambaba Naturist Surf Open on September 15th and 16th, on the beach of Tambaba, located in the municipality of Conde, on the south coast of the Brazilian state of Paraíba. The event is being organized by United Naturists (NU) and has the support of official Paraibana Tourism Company (PBTUR), responsible for the publicity in the country's media.
The 5th Edition of Tambaba Naturist Surf Open will celebrate five years of Project SurfNU, with the goal of spreading naturism through surfing. The event also aims to bring together and stimulate the development of naturist sports and to encourage young people's participation. Organizers say the event seeks to awaken environmental awareness in the population and to consolidate naturism as a philosophical movement that seeks life within nature.
"This sport is a good representation of the naturist spirit - freedom, interaction and respect for nature," explains SurfNU Project Coordinator Carlos Santiago. According to him, the project is the only one of its kind in the world, and will be presented by the Brazilian delegation at the 33rd International Naturist Congress to be held in Croatia, on the same dates as the 5th Tambaba Naturist Surf Open.
Competition - Three categories will be disputed during the championship: Local (no age limit, for residents or Tambaba beach regulars, duly classified by the Local Accreditation Commission); Open (open category with no age restriction); and higher degree of difficulty (Expression Session) - open category with no age restriction.
Registration - Those interested may register on September 15 and 16, from 9 AM to noon, with the tournament secretary on Tambaba Beach. "A registration fee of R$ 30.00 (US$ 15) will be charged for each category except the Expression Session, which is free with registration for one of the other categories," said Carlos Santiago.
Prizes - According to the organization of the 5th Tambaba Naturist Surf Open, there will be prizes for top four in the Local and Open categories. The first place winner will receive a surfboard, trophy and keepsake, while the others will be awarded trophies and keepsakes. In the Expression Session category only the most difficult manoever will be awarded surfboard, trophy and keepsake.
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